Exposing Gateway Tech’s anti-white bias and programs

Take a look at Gateway’s strategic plan, viewable at gtc.edu, and you’ll find a lot of measures, which are backed by massive dollars, aimed toward Racine, Kenosha, and Walworth minority populations. What you won’t find, though, is a focus on white student recruitment and retention. To ascribe this to an innocent oversight would be naive, as Gateway, like many other colleges and universities, is fully committed to radical social justice ideology.

Social justice has a few core tenants, all of them vague, unmeasurable, and which perpetuates victimhood while simultaneously denying individual autonomy. It is anti-white. Social justice holds that America is systematically racist, down to its fundamental foundation, and must be destroyed and rebuilt in a socialist utopia When you further analyze it, you come to one conclusion: white people have to be discriminated against to remedy mass discrimination, a statement the more modern architect of this movement, Ibram X. Kendi, said just a couple of years ago.

In the social justice ideological framework, white people are the bad guys. They are the cause of all the problems of every minority group. And discrimination against whites, what you’re seeing grow throughout society as it’s perpetuated in higher ed and corporate America, is completely justified. Read the works of Kendi, D’Angelo, Bell or Crenshaw and you see the anti-white hatred burn through the pages. They claim that any disparity between whites and other races is evidence of racism, cultural differences between damned. It’s a simplistic and frankly moronic view, held by people with guilt and vapid thoughts, of complex social issues, where cultural values and mores are much more determinate than so-called structural issues. In reality, these people and all supporters of critical race theory, are Marxist at their core. They believe they can rig outcomes but in doing so they inevitably have to lower standards and take away things from one group to level the field. Just like California is trying to take away precheck programs for airlines because of “equity.” Everything woke turns to shit. And as we’ll see, the only structural and legal discrimination today rests in affirmative action and the modern social justice movement that sees bias and discrimination against whites as virtuous and fully justified.

It is fine to neglect white people, to not recruit them, to not promote them, or to fire them in preference of other groups. By way of example, a federal appeals court recently upheld a $3.4 million dollar anti-white bias award against Novant Health after they fired a white administrator as part of their racist DEI plan. This isn’t an isolated case. It’s happening all over corporate America. America First Legal, the rightwing answer to the leftist, anti-America ACLU, has filed dozens of complaints against companies that discriminate against whites, most of them quite publically in statements, reports, and DEI plans. In 2023, Microsoft published in its annual DEI plan that they pay people different wages based on their race.

Returning to Gateway, their strategic plan focuses on recruiting everyone but white people. They state that they will increase minority enrollment which, by necessity, means that they will recruit fewer white people. This is not only legally suspect, but it’s immoral. The taxpayer-funded college is telling more than half of its residents that they don’t matter and aren’t a priority or focus for the college. You matter at Gateway, but only if you’re a member of a favored group.

Step on campus and things are even worse. They have a men of a color program that focuses on, you guessed it, all men except white men Same with their hispanic programs. There’s no white guys club, but you’ll find clubs and unions for black and hispanic students. Not to mention that the whole BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color – a redundant phrase if I ever saw one) term is inaccurate as white people are a color, but not a politically important one.

Their hispanic programming focuses on recruiting and retaining hispanics by making Gateway a hispanic-focused college. That means the focus, as well as money and resources, is directly on hispanics, ensuring that the college is meeting the needs of this student population while disregarding the needs of struggling or academically challenged white students who get the scraps of these efforts. And they are assuming, as most leftist racists do, that all groups think alike and have the same struggles and goals. They’re now focused on recruiting illegal immigrants, creating funding mechanisms for them, provide them with additional tax-funded resources. Don’t like your country being overrun by people who shouldn’t be here? Too bad. And now even more of your tax money (including your property taxes) is going toward illegal immigrants at the exclusion of American students. There’s only so much money in the Gateway financial pie in American and white students are getting less and less.

During the Jim Crow era, whites did get most of the attention, resources, and programs, but now, through the warped ideology of social justice, the tables are turned and the same Jim Crow racism and bias are lauded against whites.

To accomplish its goals, Gateway has developed a massive DEI bureaucracy, with directors, managers, and frontline employees to perpetuate this divisive ideology through every aspect of the institution. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are funneled toward trips to exotic and luxurious places to attend conferences on social justice and how to be even more anti-white. Hundreds of hours every year are wasted on DEI committees, activities, and events where more staff attend than do students, as most students have little interest in this modern racism. We just want to be treated as individuals, respected for who were are and not the shade of our skin or cultural background.

The once great institution, which was the first in the nation, is gone. White person, hear this, Gateway doesn’t care about you or want you. It’s clear from their plans, actions, focus, and even the less subtle things like including very few white people in their photo arrays on campus and in their publications.

Yours in truth,


My Sources

Gateway College President Gets Abysmal Reviews From Faculty and Staff Via Survey – Board Chairman Uninterested







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